Conference Presentation Grant

Due to the University-wide Travel PolicyAll faculty, staff and graduate students traveling abroad on University-related travel must register their travel in advance and attach their confirmation email to their Concur expense report in order to receive expense report approval and reimbursment.  This policy will take effect for international travel commencing after June 30, 2022

View sample applications: Arts & Letters (Sample AL-1, Sample AL-2) | Science & Engineering (Sample STEM-1, Sample STEM-2).

Step By Step Guide to applying to the Conference Presentation Grant

Apply Now


The purpose of the Conference Presentation Grant (CPG) Program is to partially reimburse (average award $250-$260) the expenses incurred by graduate students during travel to conferences and meetings to present original work conducted in the student’s major field of study. The CPG is not intended to fund those presenting original research at an event other than a conference of scholars that is open to the public. Funding is only available for the duration of the Conference. Additional sources of funding may be offered by the Graduate School or other outside sources to fully fund expenses. The Graduate School will not provide funding unless students have proof that they at least applied to other sources, typically the CPG fulfills that requirement.


At the time of the application, conference travel, and reimbursement, the applicant must be a graduate student enrolled at the University that has paid the $70 activity fee for the academic year (or $35 per semester).  This fee is charged directly though Student Accounts in the Fall. The CPG is open to all graduate students and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, disability, veteran status, or age.  Note:  Must be a student at time of travel and reimbursement.

If for any reason the applicant is not able to attend the conference after being awarded funding, it is the responsibility of the applicant to inform the GSG ( prior to the beginning of the conference start date.  CPG awards are not transferable.  Likewise, if an application needs to be amended, the changes requested should be emailed to the GSG.

We encourage students to apply even if their paper has not yet been accepted for presentation.  Otherwise students may miss the application deadline.  Students can always decline funds if their paper doesn't end up getting accepted.

Only one CPG award can be claimed per academic year (August through July). Awards are determined on a monthly basis. Applicants are encouraged to submit their application three months prior to their conference start date and can resubmit each month if denied.

After returning from the conference, the applicant has 60 days to complete an expense report. This 60-day rule is set by the IRS and cannot be given any flexibility. Any expense reports received after the 60-day mark will be subjected to taxes. Expense reports submitted for reimbursement 6 months beyond conference will be declined. The inclusion of itemized receipts (such as lodging, transportation, meals, etc.) is necessary for reimbursement. The GSG is funded through student funds and is therefore restricted from providing funds towards alcohol, cash withdrawals, personal car mileage, visa application expenses and undocumented purchases.  Additionally, the CPG does not fund costs associated with poster printing, baggage fees or membership dues.  Note that any expense report received without properly attached documentation will be denied.

When providing proof of your talk title or attendance, please do not upload the entire conference program, rather supply the program cover and/or program hyperlink while highlighting your section.

Funds for any aspect of travel must be disclosed. Applicants who fail to disclose other sources of funding will be barred from the participation in the CPG program for the remainder of their tenure as a student at the University of Notre Dame.


Applications are reviewed up to 3 months before the conference, but must be submitted by the 1st of the month preceding the conference month. Here are some examples:

  • For a conference on June 15th, the application is due to the CPG by May 1st at the latest. Applications for this conference could be submitted for review as early as March 1st.
  • For a conference on April 1st, the application will be due by March 1st, but could be submitted as early as January 1st.
  • August conference? Application due between May 1st and July 1st.
Conference date Earliest deadline for review Latest deadline for review
July April 1st June 1st
August May 1st July 1st
September June 1st August 1st
October July 1st September 1st
November August 1st October 1st
December September 1st November 1st
January October 1st December 1st
February November 1st January 1st
March December 1st February 1st
April January 1st March 1st
May February 1st April 1st
June March 1st May 1st

Review Committee

The GSG has created a CPG funding committee that will review applications once a month. This committee consists of the GSG Co-Vice President, and a representative graduate student from each of the four main divisions of the graduate school: Engineering, Physical Science, Social Science, and Humanities.

Along with the table below, please view the CPG Rubric.

The CPG Review committee will use the priority table below as a guide; though it is no guarantee that funding will be provided as other factors are considered. The committee will usually provide notice whether or not funding is awarded to applicants within two weeks of the application deadline.

Criteria High Priority Medium Priority Low Priority
Student Role Paper presentation (speaking / discussant) Co-presenting with Professor Poster presentation without a paper
Size and Significance International or National meeting Specialty meeting Regional meeting
Student Needs No other travel funding Limited campus funding (Department, Graduate School, ISLA, etc.) Limited Advisor Funds